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UUMC Worship Videos

Union United Methodist Church records their Sunday services and uploads them to You Tube. You can view these recorded worship services both past and current at anytime.  The most current Sunday worship service is usually available for viewing by 2:00 pm the day of the service.

UMC Young Peoples Ministries

Young People’s Ministries was created to connect young people and those in ministries with young people to each other, to the church, and to God. We are part of Discipleship Ministries of the United Methodist Church.

Horizons of Quincy

Horizons is a Christ-centered, non-profit agency working to provide hunger relief to some of the most disadvantaged and marginalized citizens in our area. We do this primarily through our Horizons Soup Kitchen and our Horizons Food Pantry. We work with many area churches, non-profit organizations and businesses to invest in the lives of people and proclaim the love of Jesus.

Unmet Needs - United Way of Adams County

The Quincy Area Partnership for Unmet Needs was established to assist individuals and families who had exhausted all other avenues of assistance. Recognizing that financial stability is one of three building blocks of a good quality of life, Unmet Needs pools private donations and church pledges to provide that stability during a crisis or other difficult situation.

Their Mission: to compliment the social service system by compassionately responding through networking and collaborative funding provided by individual agencies, churches and human service organizations to meet the needs of all individuals in our community that may exceed the limits of any agency.

Illinois Great River Conference

The Illinois Great Rivers Conference is comprised of all or part of 87 counties in downstate Illinois. The episcopal area known as the Illinois Area was formed in 1960 as the former Central Illinois and Southern Illinois conferences shared a bishop which was located in Springfield. Prior to 1960, the presiding bishop lived in Chicago and presided over the entire state. In 1996, the former Central Illinois and Southern Illinois Conferences voted to merge and formed the Illinois Great Rivers Conference. Within the conference, 10 regional areas (districts) work to deploy pastors and supervise ministry and mission.

UMCOR - Global Ministries

The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) is the global humanitarian aid and development organization of the United Methodist Church (UMC). UMCOR is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization operated under the auspices of the General Board of Global Ministries. One hundred percent of donations are directed to an earmarked project or relief effort. Administrative expenses are funded by an annual offering collected by United Methodist churches on UMCOR Sunday.

UMCOR works through programs that address hunger, poverty, sustainable agriculture, international and domestic emergencies, refugee and immigrant concerns, global health issues, and transitional development. These programs are categorized into three major areas:  Humanitarian Relief / Disaster Response, Sustainable Development and Global Health (in collaboration with UM Global Ministries).

Pathways to Promise

Pathways to Promise founded in 1988, is an interfaith assistance and resource center that provides virtual and in-person support to faith, spiritual and non-spiritual communities. Through training, consultation, liturgical and educational materials, program models, and assessments, we educate and affect change that creates welcoming and supportive caring communities for persons with mental health challenges, disabilities, and addictions and those who care for them.

Pathways to Promise collaborates with faith, spiritual, and non-spiritual communities to share resources that assess, educate and effect change to welcome, support, engage and include persons with mental illnesses and those who care for them.

Church Finder

Church Finder is the leading on-line resource and the #1 church reviews site connecting millions of people with thousands of Christian churches.