
Trying to find a church home can be difficult.

Here at Union United Methodist Church everyone is welcome. Want to know more about us? Come visit us, check out our website, our Facebook page or read on.

In whatever way you choose to learn more about us we believe you will find that we are a good fit for you and ask that you consider joining us as we worship God.

Our worship services consist singing hymns that are accompanied by a piano or organ and occasionally accompanied by guest musicians and choir. Our worship team always selects the best music to fit the message, making it a cohesive worship service.

We use large (85 in.) video monitors throughout the worship service to ensure everyone can easily follow along.

Holy Communion is served every Sunday. In following the Methodist tradition, our table is open to all to share communion. We believe partaking of communion is an important part of our worshiping of God and celebrating his Son, Jesus Christ.

We welcome children and youth to join us for our main worship service, which includes a children’s message for any child who wants to come forward for a lesson geared toward them. Following the children's message, they are dismissed to attend children's church, which is conducted by one of our young adults, presenting messages and singing designed specifically for young children.

You might consider staying after the main worship service to attend one of our classes. We have classes ranging from nursery age children to adult. Each curriculum is age specific. Additionally, we conduct a Bible study on Wednesday afternoons at 3pm and evenings at 7pm. We would love for you join us as we dive deeper into God’s Word.

Every Sunday, we take up a collection to support the ministries of the church. If you are a guest, please do not feel obligated to give, although you are welcome to do so if you choose. The members of our congregation have committed to support the church. Supporting the church financially is an act of worship and supports our ministries.

Prayer requests can be made via available prayer request cards at your seat. Simply fill out a card and place it in the offering plate when it is passed. On the card, there is an option to make your request public or to be kept confidential. If the request is confidential, our pastor will not share the information with anyone else. If it is permitted to be made public, the request will be added to our prayer list that is emailed to many of our members who have committed to praying over these requests.

Guests at our church will never be asked to stand and be recognized. That being said, we would love to get to know you better! If you would like to be contacted, fill out the attendance booklet with whatever contact information you feel comfortable in giving the church. Our ushers and worship leaders will be happy to answer any questions you might have about the service or the congregation.

Don’t know how to dress? While some of our members wear suits or dresses, others come in shorts and T-shirts. Dress in what you determine is appropriate for you. What is important is that you feel comfortable and relaxed so you can open yourself up to worshiping God!

We are handicap accessible on the East side of the Sanctuary. This entrance connects to the parking lot of the church where we have several handicap parking spots close by. We have accessible restrooms located near our worship space, fellowship hall, and classrooms.

Worship Service

Traditional Worship Service: Every Sunday at 8:45 a.m.

Children’s Message: approximately 9:00 a.m.

Informal Worship Service: Every Sunday evening at 5:00 p.m. (except for the first Sunday of every month)

Our Location

Our address is 1101 State Street, Quincy, Illinois 62301